Dead Congregation – Sombre Doom (Martyrdoom. 2016).

Dead Congregation – Sombre Doom (Martyrdoom. 2016).

Following on from their spectacular last album, this EP initially may seem quite disappointing. It is composed of only two tracks, clocking in at just over 13 minutes. Given the general quality of the material produced by these Greek maniacs, this is a sad start, as I’d rather have more. But nevertheless, let’s get stuck into the meal at hand. It starts off with Redemptive Immolation, a 9-minute behemoth. Beginning with an eerie guitar melody and lots of reverb, it slowly starts to build up with heavy, morbid riffs and brooding drumming which all help to create the blasphemous, doomed atmosphere that dominates this song. There is a deadly tension that seems to seethe throughout the song, which feels as if one is on a thin membrane above the raging fires of Hades. Or at least that is as close an analogy that I can fathom to try and describe it. It is a good song, with some great parts, but there seems to be a feeling to some extent of the band holding back somewhat, not necessarily in regard to speed but more emotionally. It feels like the build up to something, and it works well in this regard, setting up for the next track to come and pierce the membrane and send you tumbling into the eternal conflagration. Admittedly, some of the riffs and melodies seem a bit too familiar to previous material by Dead Congregation, but that is not too much of an issue. Still, a good, brooding, evil song even with the critiques. Following on is Wind’s Bane, which is faster and has some killer riffs. Whilst some friends of mine have felt disappointed by this EP, personally, I think that for what it is it is pretty good. Whilst it may not be of the same calibre as Graves of the Archangels or Promulgation of the Fall, I would argue that this is still a high-quality slab of Death Metal. The songs get your headbanging and come with the feeling of doom and gloom that one expects from Dead Congregation. Again, as mentioned, I’d rather have more, but I am still somewhat satisfied with the two songs.


Related links:
Caledonian Darkness II – 21/10/2016 and 22/10/2016.
Dead Congregation/Funeral Throne/Repulsive – 31/10/2016.