Vorage – Vorage. (Exitum Productions, 2014).

Twisted death metal in the style of Portal is what is on offer from Vorage. Their name, from the Latin ‘Voragio’ which means vortex or whirlpool, is fitting, as this is a band that produces twisted, technical death metal with a Lovecraftian atmosphere. Over twenty minutes, you’re taken through a world of dissonant guitars and otherworldly vocals. Every now and then, there are more melodic hooks that pop up amongst the swirling, shifting chaos that get subsumed once more into the maelstrom, such as in Deatheodidact. This is a worthy tribute to Portal, and sounds very much like it could have come straight from the Aussies themselves. The production is raw, but without there being imbalance. It would be good to hear more from this band, as it would be interesting to see how they develop their sound, whether they develop further or stick to their current style. Nevertheless, a good dose of Portal worship, which is never a bad thing.
